Newport inspired by Minimalism

One of my ideas for my Newport gallery piece, is inspired by the minimalism movement. I researched minimalism, especially minimalist film posters. I decided that I was going to produce a poster for Newport, inspired by minimalism. I decided that I wanted to use the iron 'Wave' sculpture by Peter Fink. The sculpture is very well known in Newport and can be seen on the riverfront. I looked at images of the wave from different angles to see how minimalist I could make the wave, until it was unrecognisable to the people living in Newport. I used Adobe Photoshop to remove the background of the image and I then converted it to Adobe Illustrator
and used image trace to see how the image would look using different effects. On my first idea I decided that 3 colours looked really nice and made the image stand out against the grey background. The lines on my first idea are incredibly crisp and straight and the angle of the wave is quite different to how we would normally look at the wave, which is straight on. For my second idea, I decided to remove the legs of the wave and just have the circle with the triangle in the centre of it. I wanted to see how minimalist I could get the wave and I used 6 colours on this image and I would have preferred to use the same colours from the first idea because, I think that the colours really stand out from the background. For my third idea, I really tried to get a full image of the wave but I
could find and image where the lines were crisp and straight enough, so I had to use 16 colours on Adobe Illustrator. I really wish that this idea had turned out better but, I think that the colours are too much. My favourite idea is definitely my first idea because, I think that it looks the most professional and the colours compliment each other. I also think that it looks similar to the many minimalist movie posters that I saw which had a bright background with a picture on it that was mostly white. I decided to use grey for the background because, the weather in Newport is often cold and rainy and the River Usk is often muddy coloured, so I thought that grey was an appropriate colour to use.


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