Alice Kettle

Alice Kettle

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Alice Kettle is a contemporary textile/fibre artist based in the UK. She was born in Winchester in 1961. She has established a unique area of practice by her use of a craft medium, consistently and on an unparalleled scale. Her stitched works, many of which are the size of huge figurative tapestries, exploit the textures and effects made possible through the harnessing of a mechanical process to intuitive and creative ends.I really like Alice Kettle's work and I like that she is a textiles artist and I have really enjoyed my textiles and stitching lessons. I think that similar to Egon Schiele's work Alice Kettles' figures are also distorted. I am going to use Alice Kettle as one of my artists for my museum proposal because I am thinking of creating a mixed medium piece and I am going to experiment with creating a drawing, converting it to fabric by using photo transfer and then stitching back into my work. My favourite textiles piece by Alice Kettle is 'Blue Nymph' because, I have been researching welsh lake spirits (Morgens) and they are extremely similar to Greek water nymphs and I can link my work together.


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